This article related with NSX-V upgrade error appearing during image uploading.
We are goinig to discuss quickly 2 error possible could appear:
"Cannot continue upgrade due to errors : Large database table. There are some tables with 5215948 entries, but the recommended table size is 5000000. We recommend running a database full vacuum before proceeding with upgrade. Upgrade aborted.. Please correct before proceeding."
"Cannot continue upgrade due to errors : Insufficient disk space. 
Database disk usage is at 87%, but it should be less than 70%. 
We recommend running a database full vacuum before proceeding with upgrade. 
Upgrade aborted.. Please correct before proceeding."
If you have NSX-V cross vCenter, the upgade possible will be stalled on both.
TRUNCATE TABLE job_instance_task_instances, task_instance_task_data, task_instance_task_output, task_instance, task_task_init_data, task, task_policy, task_target, job_instance_job_output, job_instance, job_data_task_dependency_map, task_dependency_tasks, dependent_task,job_data, job_schedule, task_dependency, housekeeping_module;

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