If you experience issue with Host Preparation on your LAN NSX enviroment, it could be related with SSL certificate and dificulties to get
1. Download vxlan.zip your PC
2. pscp vxlan.zip root@ESXIIP:tmp
3. on ESXi: esxcli software vib install -d /path/to/vxlan.zip
NOTE: if error appear: VIB VMware_bootbank_esx-vxlan_6.5.0-0.0.4463934 requires nsx-api <= 1, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.
please force the installation: esxcli software vib install -d /path/to/vxlan.zip --force
4. Check that VIB installed:
vmware -vl; esxcfg-vmknic -l | grep vxlan ; esxcli software vib list | grep esx-v
5. Back to NSX Manager and repair Host preparation.