This Article will contain Ansible playbook setup example against Dell Switches.
Ansible notes will be posted here and continuesly updated on the fly when required.
Ansible environment as always devided for 2 servers: PRODuction and DEVelopment.
Tested scrypts will be moved from DEV into PROD server once fully tested and ready.
Host file content:
Ansible configuration files location: /etc/ansible
DellL01 ansible_host=10.x.x.x1
DellL02 ansible_host=10.x.x.x2
DellS01 ansible_host=10.x.x.x1
DellS02 ansible_host=10.x.x.x2
Manual execution (for test):
ansible-playbook os9backup.yml
Output files location:
ls home/administrator/network-programmability/
Scheduling done over crontub:
# Execute against Dell switches
5 6 * * * if ! out=`ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/os9backup.yml
`; then echo $out; fi
--- ## Playbook to get system time and append it to backup files ## Made by DM ## Last change 09/06/2021 - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Get ansible date/time facts setup: filter: "ansible_date_time" gather_subset: "!all" - name: Store DTG as fact set_fact: DTG: "{{ }}" - name: Create Directory {{hostvars.localhost.DTG}} file: path: ~/network-programmability/backups/DELL/{{hostvars.localhost.DTG}} state: directory run_once: true - hosts: DellL connection: network_cli gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Backup Dell Leaf current switch config dellos9_config: backup: yes backup_options: dir_path: /home/administrator/network-programmability/backups/DELL/{{hostvars.localhost.DTG}}/ - hosts: DellS connection: network_cli gather_facts: no vars: command_list: - show ip interface brief - show arp - show vrrp brief - show interface status - show logging 50 tasks: - name: Backup Dell Spine current switch config dellos9_config: backup: yes backup_options: dir_path: /home/administrator/network-programmability/backups/DELL/{{hostvars.localhost.DTG}}/ - name: Get Dell EMC OS9 Show commands dellos9_command: commands: "{{ command_list }}" register: showoutput - name: Save output to /home/administrator/network-programmability/backups/DELL template: src: template.j2 dest: "/home/administrator/network-programmability/backups/DELL/{{hostvars.localhost.DTG}}/{{inventory_hostname}}-{{hostvars.localhost.DTG}}-show.txt"
OUTPUT FROM SHOW COMMANDS for: {{ inventory_hostname }} {% for cmd in command_list %}
############ {{ cmd }} ################ {{ showoutput.stdout[loop.index0] }} {% endfor %}